why content marketing important for lead

why content marketing important for better leads

satish dodia (digital marketer) - mail for leads service (sb.dodia@gmail.com)

1. Do you have traffic problems?

Do you want to rank in the top of Google search results? Do you want to get more clicks for your ads?

Content marketing can solve it.

A well-researched, well-written blog post or webpage can help you rank in the top of search results and bring you an avalanche of traffic.

Write, publish, and promote a lot more of such blog posts or articles. You’ll never have to worry about traffic again.

I’ve received 500,000 visitors to one single blog post in a couple of weeks.

2. Do you have lead generation problems?

Do you want to double your leads without increasing the cost?

Content marketing can solve it.

A right lead magnet that helps the target audience can double your visitors to leads conversion rates.

Create an ebook or a checklist or a short video or a webinar, whatever that works for your audience. You’ll have a constant stream of leads flowing in.

3. Do you have engagement issues?

Do you want to get more likes, comments, and shares? Do you want more replies?

Content marketing can solve it.

Create social posts or emails that focus on empathy and creates a connection with your audience. Your engagement will skyrocket.

4. Do you have conversion issues?

Is your conversion rate sucks? Does your landing page fail to convert?

Content marketing can solve it.

Address your audience’s problems, illustrate how your solution can help them, and reduce their concerns with the right content. Your conversions rates will quadruple.

5. Do you want to move the buyers from one stage to another stage?

Content marketing can help you.

Use the right content to change your visitors' awareness level and buyer stage. Nothing else works better than content.

6. Do you want to get more out of your marketing spend?

Content marketing can help you.

A good copy can be your solution. Write better headlines and ads. Use better images. You’ll get more clicks and leads.

7. Do you want to build a brand?

Content marketing can help you. Focus on creating content that solves your audience’s problems, which allows them to get better, and that gains their trust. Your brand will automatically grow.

Name your marketing problem…

Content marketing can solve it.

That’s the power of content marketing.

That’s all sounds excellent. But what will it do for you?

1. Do you want to grow your career?

Become a content marketer.

The demand for content marketers is increasing. Every business and company is looking to hire content writers and content marketers. Growth is assured.

2. Do you want to safeguard your future?

Become a content marketer. The format may change, but the need is not going to change. Content has been used to sell for several hundreds of years and is going to remain relevant for a hundred more years. Your future as a content marketer is safe.

3. Do you want to live your life laptop lifestyle?

Become a content writer or copywriter. You can write from anywhere and earn. You don’t need to work 9 to 5 or commute in high traffic. Pick your place and time and live life, the laptop lifestyle.

4. Do you want to earn a recurring income?

Put your content writing and content marketing skills to build your list and promote it. Write content promoting other people’s products and earn a passive income even while you are sleeping.

And that’s what content marketing can do to you.

In the next lesson let’s talk about the most significant difference you need to understand that will help you make an important decision.

who provide better leads in india

Satish dodia - digital marketer and lead generator


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