what is a servlet in java


A servlet is a server side java program that is platform independent. servlet is a controller.

Servlet used for make a web application(Dynamic).
servlet  is an interface
webserver cant talk with database,and web server alone cant dynamically create web page content using data held in database table.

web server used the server ability to access the database table ,extract table data and converts this data into a format acceptably to a web server for a delivery to a clients browser via the internet.

what is servlet ?

servlet  is written in java.Java is portable and scalable language that obeys rules that permit servlets to run in Standard framework.like JVM

 servlet are used in middle tier of distributed application system.

every time servlets are not tied to a specific client-server protocol but they are most commonly used with HTTP.the word Servlet is often used to represent HTTP servlet.

A servlet container Provides the run time environment in which a servlet executes. 

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